Choosing the best system to manage your business is one of the many struggles every company has to deal with. Using several different tools that are not integrated can make it impossible for employees to work effectively and achieve business objectives.
Written with passion.
How Business Intelligence (BI), data discovery, and advanced analytics can help to make better business decisions and give a competitive advantage in a continuously evolving world.
For decades, patient health information has been both the heart of every healthcare entity and one of its most vulnerable areas.
Automating routine tasks with technological solutions can improve the quality of the human connection we strive for in health care. Giving caregivers more time for “small miracles” can make a big difference.
Modern businesses are much more productive and cost-efficient than ever before. However, one of our most important assets also became the most vulnerable – information.
Continue reading to find out more about the Act and to understand how to make your application HIPAA-compliant.