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The Healthcare Digital Revolution Post-COVID-19

Michael Nikitin

CTO & Co-founder AIDA, CEO Itirra

Published on September 14, 2021
Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

During the pandemic, the health system came under one of the most significant challenges in recent history. The crisis demonstrated that it is time for a fundamental change in the healthcare industry. Paper charts and fax machines need to finally be replaced by interoperable digital platforms that integrate with modern tools.


We have to build systems that can easily adapt to possible future challenges and also appeal to both patients and providers. Such systems need to use real-time data to enable quality care that is accessible, transparent, insightful, and user friendly. They should enable patients to make well-informed choices about their healthcare and help providers and admin services support their patients’ physical, mental, and financial needs.

The move towards digital healthcare

The pandemic has turbocharged the move towards digital healthcare. Remote monitoring and chronic disease management, hospital at home, virtual behavioral health, and remote clinical trials are just a few of the life-changing applications of the expanding and maturing ecosystem.


However, the move to digital medicine is a complicated and data-intensive process that most healthcare facilities are not prepared for just yet. With a lot of new, digitally-equipped players emerging in Silicon Valley, many brick-and-mortar healthcare providers struggle to keep up with the changes necessary to remain relevant. The incumbents need to transform their systems from the ground up to effectively collect, store, manage, and use the data they generate. However, partnering up might be the best solution for both sides.

The importance of interoperability

We are at a point where interoperability is no longer optional.  Digital, integrated, real-time data allows faster and more accurate claims payments, the elimination of prior authorizations when providers are prone to evidence-based practices, and the adoption of digital charts that power quality measures and eliminate manual chart chasing. What’s more, real-time data enables flexible and effective care delivery.

The right tools

With the right data and tools, both providers and patients can make well-informed and proactive decisions. Digital data combined with health information from smart devices can drive that decision-making process. Integrations with Apple Watches and other smart wearables will enable physicians to monitor sleep, step count, heart rate, and many more important health metrics. By accessing new, better data, physicians can deliver better preventive care and spot issues earlier.

The healthcare of the future

The healthcare of the future lies at the intersection of physicians, dieticians, therapists, physiatrists, and supported by modern technological infrastructure. It is a monumental step towards complete round-the-clock care. The new full-scope service in a virtual care environment will open up a lot of new opportunities. And all we need to do today is make sure that healthcare providers and facilities are properly equipped to take on this challenge.

We are here to help

The pandemic has taught us just how critical the deployment of emerging technology is within the healthcare sector. I am sure that health institutions across the globe will continue to embrace new technologies and develop future-proof solutions, and those who do not will certainly have trouble catching up.


At Itirra, we help companies take their first steps towards their digital transformation journey. If you want to find out more or to discuss how we can help your business, contact us or schedule a meeting with me.